President Obama has approved new refinance programs that make owning a home affordable with loan assistance from this government refinance mortgage program. Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have adopted changes to the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) and you may be eligible to take advantage of those changes.
If you need to refinance, and in particular if you owe more than your home is worth, then you’ll want to consider government refinance mortgage programs. The president’s refinance program gives you mortgage help from the government that, hopefully, will make a home affordable for you.
To receive government help with your mortgage, just fill out the home affordable refinance plan online application.
The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) recently revised the HARP program to attract more eligible borrowers who can benefit from refinancing their mortgage loan. In their latest revisions they removed the maximum loan to value (LTV) required for you to qualify for this new house refinancing Obama program.
If you’re looking for federal loan modification programs, or seeking government help with a mortgage owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, you may be eligible to take advantage of these historic changes.
- Check this website if you are not sure whether your mortgage loan is owned by Fannie Mae: http://www.fanniemae.com/loanlookup/
- Check this website if you are not sure whether your mortgage loan is owned by Freddie Mac: https://ww3.freddiemac.com/corporate/
The Home Affordable Refinance Plan (HARP) has following application criteria:
- Guaranteed Fannie Mae- or Freddie Mac-owned
- Name, address, phone, loan amount, and lender name
- $100,000 and above loan amounts
To see if you qualify to take advantage of this historical opportunity call our office today at 1-800-741-4004 and speak to one of our HARP program specialists, or try our easy-to-use secure online home affordable refinance application.
(Rates and terms may vary. Not all homeowners will qualify. This offer is not from a government agency. Applicants must meet all required criteria to qualify. HARP lender Avrus Financial is not affiliated with your current lender and this offer is not from your current lender(s), nor was any information supplied by your HARP lender. )
Call us today for further details and information!