Quick. Think about mortgages. What comes to mind right away? Do you think of sitting in a cubicle in a large bank, filling out stacks of forms? Do you think about sweating for a week, praying that your loan application will be approved by some nameless bureaucrat somewhere in “the system” according to a table of criteria that you’ll never see?
It doesn’t have to be like that.
That is the sad reality for way to many home buyers these days. It’s natural that people will head straight for the big banks. They are big, after all. They have huge advertising budgets, funded by the profits they make on your financial transactions. And banks are known for arranging mortgages. It’s only natural to head straight for the banks. Natural, but not necessarily wise.
The typical bank process does involve a cubicle and stacks of forms to fill out, followed by a “yea” or “nay” which might come several days later.
Mortgage brokers outshine banks and their bureaucratic process.
The typical Avrus process is quite different. Avrus Financial is a privately-owned, family funded, people-friendly business whose goal is to get you that mortgage, no matter what. We don’t start with the stack of forms; we start with getting you approved. Yes, the forms will need to filled in, but first let’s get you approved before making you go to all the work of filling in a pile of forms?
We don’t say “no”. We say either “yes” or “Here’s what you need to do for us to be able to say yes”. “The bank says no! We say yes!” That’s our motto, and that’s our mission.
Unlike the banks, mortgage brokers have no incentive to say “no”. We get paid only if you get your mortgage. So at Avrus, we go the extra mile and we find a mortgage that might not even be advertised. It might be a public source of funds or a private source.
Unlike the banks, mortgage brokers are not restricted to “sell” you only our products. Unlike the banks, we don’t even have products. We have only the knowledge of where to go and what questions to ask to uncover for you the best possible interest rate around. We shop for you, armed with day-to-day knowledge and the desire to serve. And that’s why mortgage brokers outshine banks.