Track Your Target Rate

Welcome to RateTracker. Now you can easily track our mortgage rates to help you determine when you should refinance or lock in an interest rate. You may select up to three target rates that you desire. Whenever our company is able to provide you with rates that are the same or better compared to your target, we will automatically notify you via email. You may then contact us to lock in that rate! And best of all there is no charge to you for this service! Please enter your personal contact information.

Work Phone Format: 111-111-1111
Home Phone Format: 111-111-1111
Property Location City State
Loan Amount $ (numbers only - no commas)

Please select up to three target loan rates you wish to track.

Loan Program Max Rate Max Points
Loan Program Max Rate Max Points
Loan Program Max Rate Max Points

If you have a specific date you wish to be contacted, please enter it below. This may be useful if you have a balloon loan coming due in the future, or if you have an adjustable loan that you want to refinance when it adjusts upward.

Select Date Month Year
Reason for loan

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Avrus Financial & Mortgage Services, Inc

2799 NW 2ND AVENUE, STE 102


Toll Free:

(800) 741-4004


(561) 394-7100


(561) 394-9700


Copyright by Myers Internet Services

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Myers Internet Services