Thursday, March 22, 2012

To my fellow Mortgage Professionals

My name is Joseph Avrus. I am the mortgage marketing director at Avrus Financial. I have been in the mortgage business for 20 years. I have dedicated my life to this industry, volunteering thousands of hours for trade associations like the CMBA, MBA, CAMP, NAMB, and countless Advisory Boards including Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. With these three decades of experience I feel I can make the following statement with absolute certainty.

The Home Affordability Refinance Program (HARP) is the biggest opportunity for Homeowners and Loan Officers in this DECADE. Period.
Proof you say?
We are the ONLY lender that has been taking applications since the 21st of February. While every other lender has been asleep at the wheel, dismissing this as another failed government experiment, we have been taking applications and getting ready for the Desktop Underwriter update that happened at 12:42 am Sunday morning. Over the weekend, dozens of folks logged countless hours to decision the loans we have received so far.
Hundreds of applications.
What have we learned? Before I share it with you let me say this again; HARP will be THE biggest opportunity for Homeowners and Loan Officers in this decade. Take a look at some of our REAL approvals below. You be the judge.
Real customer number #1
Property in Cobbtown GA. One of the hardest hit areas in the STATE of Georgia. 152.05% LTV. $292,000.00 loan amount. Payment dropping by $392.22 per MONTH. NO appraisal required. Customer told Loan Officer that without this opportunity they would have lost their home and destroyed their credit.
Real customer number #2
Property located in Dawsonville, GA. Perhaps TIED with Georgetown, GA as one of the hardest hit areas in the State of Georgia. 164.39% LTV. $345,000.00 loan amount. Payment dropping by $386.70 per month. NO appraisal required. From start to finish we will close the transaction in 24 days from the APPLICATION date.
24 Days!
Real customer number #3
Property located in West Palm Beach FL. (Avrus Financial closes loans in 2 states currently Florida & Georgia) 351.02% LTV. $140,000.00 loan amount. Payment dropping by $189.00 per month. This is a CONDO in Florida.
Can you come up with a more difficult loan to place than that?
Look folks, it is really very simple. If you have a phone and can spend the next week calling your previous customers, you can help them and yourselves exponentially. The average FICO score on these loans is 750. These are the folks that ARE paying their mortgage despite being SUBSTANTIALLY under water. THESE are the folks the program is SPECIFICALLY aimed at. Property types include second homes AND non-owner.
This product is NOT being offered by the majority of other Mortgage Bankers or Banks. That means your only logical choice is Avrus Financial.

Prepared, Practiced, Proven, Partner.
If that isn’t enough, then here is a deal for you.
We have been doing Webinars on HARP 2.0 for over a month now. We set a goal of 500 applications in by last Friday the 16th, and said if our customers stepped up we would give them an additional 25 bps in price concession. They answered the call and exceeded the goal. So as a reward to them and all of you, I will make you this deal...
If your HARP loan is submitted to us by March 31st, I will continue the .25 rebate. Your customer wins and you win.
Aren’t you ready for some GOOD news for your previous customers? Hasn’t the doom and gloom industry chatter gotten old? Time to STOP playing defense and let’s all move to OFFENSE.
We are Mortgage Professionals. We finance America. We can help restore the faith in this business. Together.
We are Avrus Financial.
Together, let’s put the word OWN back into Homeownership.

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At March 29, 2012 9:28 AM , Anonymous Kurt Speelman said...

Hi Joseph, you have very good points and helpful for mortgage firms to get some really good ideas in this competitive market. Thanks

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